Matt Harris, Sendwithus co-founder and CEO, recently published an article on DestinationCRM.com on choosing the right email template management system.
Matt’s analogy — and one we hear often around the office — is that moving to cloud-based template management for your transactional emails is a lot like moving to a content management system (CMS) for your website. It’s a fitting observation since both are intended to allow content creation without writing code from square-one for every new piece of content.
But while a good CMS, one that will fit your needs and suit your budget, is pretty easy to find, it can require some effort to find a good email template management system. They’re a little rarer. Okay, a lot rarer. And the first one you find may not necessarily be the best fit for your needs.
So to help you find the right email template management vendor, Matt came up with a series of questions you’ll want answers to before making a decision. There are questions to address the requirements of all stakeholders in the transactional email process — engineers, product teams, and marketers.
Bonus: Here are a few questions related to user provisioning and security that didn’t make the first cut.
- Does the system support SSO?
- Is it SOC2 and GDPR compliant?
- Is the vendor willing and able to meet your data usage and protection requirements?
- Does the system support locking approved and published templates against further changes?