As of December 1st, 2016, Mailgun will require all sending domains to be verified to continue sending and receiving messages. If you’re one of our friends sending with an unverified domain, it’s time to get on this and verify so that your emails will continue without disruption.
To access and update, follow these steps:
- Login to the Mailgun Dashboard and select the “Domains” Section.
- Select any domain that is labeled as “unverified” in orange.
- In the Domain Verification & DNS section, locate the records that have a red warning indicator.
- Now within the DNS administration tool provided by your DNS or hosting provider, you’ll need to add all these listed DNS records. Mailgun has these great guides to walk you through the process for common providers.
- After you’ve added all listed records, click the “Check DNS Records Now” button in the Mailgun dashboard, from the same section where you pulled the values. Note: it may take up to 24 hours for this to resolve due to caching.
- Once the verification is complete, your domain will update to say “Verified” within Mailgun.
Not sure which domains are actively sending/receiving messages? Check out the logs and reporting features within the Mailgun dashboard. If you run into trouble, get in touch with the Mailgun support team by creating a help ticket.
Reminder – the changes will go live on Dec 1. It may only be November 7th today but if years past are any indicator – the month of November will fly by.
Get this verification knocked out early so you can cruise into the Thanksgiving season knowing that you won’t be stuck updating this information in the midst of a post-feast turkey haze.
The Sendwithus Team