You may have seen the generous shoutout we got from our friends at Pretio in their post about leadgen lessons learned from Game of Thrones. We don’t normally write “10 thises or thats” kind of articles, but now I can’t stop getting hyped for the real premier of Game of Thrones (episode 1 being mostly an extended recap) and I’m stealing Taylor’s theme. So, for no discernible reason, here we go.
Gmail = Stannis Baratheon
Both Gmail and Stannis the Mannis have a clear desire to lead us into the future, but neither really seem to want the future to be seriously different from the present. Or the past for that matter. In either case, I don’t think Stannis would support media queries either, just look what happened to Renly.
Inbox by Gmail = Daenerys Targaryan
It comes from a line with great name recognition, but mixed sentiment. Most notably, however, Inbox is a collection of things you think you would want in an email client, but when you put it all together, things get a bit incoherent and you end up with a lot of wasted time, space, and attention.
Apple Mail = Littlefinger
None of Petyr Baelish’s brothels have signs above the door that say “Littlefinger’s House of Pleasure.” The same is true with Apple’s mail client, Mail. It’s just how you mail. Don’t worry about it. Suppress the thoughts about being caught up in a system that drives a tremendous amount of resources into the hands of someone with mysterious and well-guarded motives.
Outlook = Cersei
Cersei and Microsoft are both really great at getting what they want. The problem has always been that they tend to want really dumb things. They are either ego driven, short-sighted, or just all out baffling. Outlook has automatic buy-in from tons of huge companies and government agencies.
Thunderbird = Mance Rayder
The Free Folk are under threat and they need to move away from their ancestral foundations, be they the Lands of Always Winter or The Mozilla Foundation. They’re fiercely independent, but united by a leader that respects their freedom-loving ways.
Sparrow = Renly
Lovable and well-meaning with a modest but dedicated following is as fatal a description as you can imagine in a George R. R. Martin world. The same is pretty much true in tech. When you get… *ahem* acquired, some of your followers will be assimilated, but most will abandon and spread to the winds.
Superhuman = Qyburn
Only a small group of people have the faintest idea of what’s going on in there, but we’re led to believe it’s some combination of Mad Science and sorcery. He says he wants to make you stronger, but there will be a cost. *ominous pause*
Missive = Jon Snow
The new hotness in a cold and stagnant world. Probably not the savior of all humanity, but easy on the eyes and a real go-getter.
Lotus Notes = Roose Bolton
Capable of absolutely reprehensible behavior seemingly without concern or remorse. Cold. Empty. Bereft of pity and empathy. Singularly dedicated to keeping the house afloat through the next generation but spectacularly incapable at doing so without the extensive use of chains.
Yahoo Mail = Rickon
Who? Oh right? Forgettable but ever-present; will probably kill us all in the end.